Dossier Le Chiffre
I serve…? Je sers…?
“You’re the notorious Cipher. You’re smaller than I thought. Quieter too.”
“You sound disappointed.”
“I can’t say I know what I expected. I certainly didn’t expect you, a little grey pencil pusher from the back desk of a consulate. If someone told me YOU were the one to do the stuff you did to Vassiliy, Tsernukov, Heinrich… I’d have laughed in their face.”
“Mm. I do not consider my actions to be so out of the ordinary. In fact, I think they were rather proportional. Certainly in comparison to your own operations…”
“Cipher. I’m not the man you want. if you make me talk you won’t learn anything that you don’t already know. But I can offer you something, anything.”
“If you switch sides you’d be handsomely rewarded by my government. You’d…”
“You’re not the first and you’ll not be the last to try and talk me over. Frankly I do not see much difference nor advantage in working for you over my own country. And, in all honesty, it is more convenient for me to stay where I am. But I’m a man who likes a wager. Shall we play for it? Me switching sides for… your life?”